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Intensive English Program
The University of Mississippi – Office of Global Engagement

Materials Scholarship


Valued at $250 per semester!


New and prospective full-time IEP students are eligible to apply for the Materials Scholarship. If awarded, the student will receive a scholarship valued at $250 to be applied to their “tuition and materials” balance, which will cover the cost of all textbooks for a semester.


The scholarship is only valid for the semester following it being awarded (e.g., awarded in summer and valid for fall). Students must apply each semester for the Materials Scholarship, which can be awarded each semester as long as the student is taking full-time Intensive English (IE) classes.


In order to maintain eligibility, applicants must maintain passing grades during their studies in the IEP and complete a scholarship application each time they wish to have the scholarship renewed. There are up to 5 Materials Scholarships available each semester.


Funds are credited directly to the students’ tuition and materials fee balances, and no money will be paid directly to students. Scholarship must be used for the semester it was awarded; it cannot be held to the next semester.


Questions?  Email for more details.


Application Deadlines:

For Spring semester (January-May) award: November 1
For Fall semester (August-December) award: June 1


Apply Now!

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