Service-Learning Program
The service-learning program is designed for English-language learners who want to improve their communication skills while engaging in service-oriented projects in local and statewide communities. Connecting to the communities of Oxford and the surrounding areas strengthens the students’ understanding of social responsibility and provides meaningful contact with the local culture and the citizens of the community.
Click HERE to read the IEP Community Connections Blog!
Two-Week Program*

“Delta Hands for Hope” project in the Mississippi Delta.
Students in the two-week Service-Learning Program take Topics in Intercultural Communication. The course meets for 4 hours each day, 5 days per week (40 contact hours total). Class time will be divided between in-class activities and service-learning projects outside of the classroom. In-class activities include reading and discussion of articles on current topics, TED Talks, reflection blogs, and presentations. The projects occurring outside of the classroom consist of volunteering with a variety of local non-profit organizations and schools.
Sample Schedule
Topics in Intercultural Communication | Topics in Intercultural Communication | Service Project | Topics in Intercultural Communication |
Service Project |
WEEK 2: | Topics in Intercultural Communication | Topics
Service Project |
Service Project | Topics in Intercultural Communication | Final Exam |
*The two-week program is a 3-credit program.
Contact to request customized dates.
Four-Week Program
Students in the four-week Service-Learning Program take two courses. The first course is Topics in Intercultural Communication, and the second will be either a writing course or a speaking and listening course, depending on the preference of the home university. Each course will meet 2 hours per day, 5 days per week (80 contact hours total). Class time will be divided between in-class activities and service-learning projects outside of the classroom.
Sample Schedule
WEEK 1: |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project |
WEEK 2: | Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project | Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project |
WEEK 3: | Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project | Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project |
WEEK 4: | Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project | Topics in I.C.
Course 2 |
Service Project |
For more information about these programs, please contact Tracy Koslowski at